Dishes with apples-1347 homemade delicious cooking recipes

186 kcal
50 minutes
Meat loaf with onions in the oven
The simplest dish. Very satisfying and appetizing.
121 kcal
1 hour
Potato and apple meatballs in the oven with horseradish
Savory potato chips! Satisfying.
136 kcal
30 minutes
Baked apples with cottage cheese, poppy seeds and nuts in the oven
Original and very healthy apples with cottage cheese - a delicious, light
184 kcal
5 hours
Christmas goose with quince in the oven
Variation on the theme of the favorite festive dish of many peoples of Europe!
100 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Pangasius fillet with apples and herbs in wine in the oven
A dietary dish that will make you even more beautiful. If you are a young wife
178 kcal
30 minutes
Baked apples with sugar, cinnamon and cloves in the oven
Fragrant baked apples are the best dessert! This is a culinary recipe for a
231 kcal
1 hour50 minutes
Apple puffs with raisins on ready-made dough
Lush, airy, very fragrant and cozy pastries. Apple puffs with raisins on the
205 kcal
40 minutes
Puff pastry apple envelopes without eggs
Fragrant filling and crispy crust, what could be better? The puffs are very
230 kcal
1 hour55 minutes
Apple yeast pie with milk and cinnamon
A pretty quick recipe for baking tea in the oven! A very simple recipe for
211 kcal
50 minutes
Cottage cheese dough in butter with apples a la dumplings
Fragrant pastries with apples and cinnamon for you! Yesterday I made quiche from
186 kcal
40 minutes
Apple biscuits in vegetable oil
Delicious pastries with liquid apples for sophisticated sweet tooth. Despite all
236 kcal
1 hour
Turkish pies with apple
Pies in the form of a Turkish turban, unique taste and aroma! The unusual
201 kcal
55 minutes
Sponge apple pie on sour cream
A very simple recipe for sweet pastries for tea! A wonderful recipe for cooking
194 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Bulk pie mannikin in butter
Juicy tender pie without kneading the dough! A very simple recipe for apple pie
190 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Apple charlotte is easy
Legendary simple apple charlotte - what could be tastier? There are a lot of
126 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Aspic pie with milk with cinnamon and apples
I use this recipe when I really want something sweet! Apple aspic pie is easy to
153 kcal
1 hour25 minutes
Classic charlotte with apples and raisins
Easy and fast preparation of sweet pastries! A wonderful recipe for making an
157 kcal
1 hour
Diet charlotte PP from hercules apple
Very tasty fragrant charlotte without harm to the figure! This is not a fairy
132 kcal
1 hour
Mini charlotte Kus and all
Very simple and fast, just a few ingredients. It's very simple and easy to cook,
149 kcal
30 minutes
Crumble with almonds, apples and butter
This British pie will charm everyone at home! Apple crumble is prepared in 10