Dishes with apples-1347 homemade delicious cooking recipes

63 kcal
10 minutes
Baked pumpkin with apples and cinnamon in the microwave
Delicious and healthy dessert in a hurry! Julia The author of the recipe
85 kcal
7 minutes
Apples in the microwave with berries and cinnamon
Delicious vitamin dessert in five minutes. This culinary recipe for apples baked
133 kcal
35 minutes
Baked apples in a slow cooker dessert
Fragrant, appetizing, delicious, for the whole family! Apples baked in a slow
239 kcal
1 hour
Apple pie in a slow cooker
Simple, budget, fragrant, delicious, for tea for the whole family. Apple pie in
263 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Lean pie in a slow cooker
Lean fruit pie for those who watch their figure. Delicious lean fruit pie is
220 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Charlotte on kefir in a slow cooker
Favorite charlotte with apples is even easier and tastier! Many people love the
64 kcal
1 hour5 minutes
Dried fruit compote slow cooker
This excellent compote is rich in vitamins and good for digestion! I often cook
297 kcal
1 hour15 minutes
Strudel in a slow cooker made of puff pastry with apples
Try this simple recipe of everyone's favorite delicacy! Strudel in a slow cooker
101 kcal
50 minutes
Baked apples with cottage cheese in slow cooker
Try these delicious apples with cottage cheese, you won't come off! Quite a
272 kcal
1 hour40 minutes
Shortbread pie in a slow cooker
Cake for home holidays - with juicy fruits and delicate cream. Summer has
289 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Pie in a slow cooker without eggs
A wonderful, tender pie on rustic whey and without eggs. To make this pie, it is
164 kcal
2 hours
Apple jam from apples in a slow cooker
Suitable for pies and pies or just like that with bread and milk. It is suitable
224 kcal
1 hour
Duck with potatoes in a slow cooker
Two-in-one dinner in a slow cooker! Simple and very convenient!
185 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Classic charlotte in a slow cooker with apples
Air apple pie in a hurry in a slow cooker! The dough of the pie turns out to be
46 kcal
1 hour45 minutes
Applesauce in a slow cooker for winter
Completely natural product! It is useful for both children and adults.
125 kcal
2 hours
Apple jam from apples in a slow cooker for winter
Prepare a thick and sweet homemade apple jam. As in childhood!
41 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Ketchup in a slow cooker for winter
Tired of store-bought sauce? Try to cook delicious homemade ketchup!
268 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Pie three glasses with apples in a slow cooker
The original layered apple pie comes from Hungary! Pie three glasses with apples
246 kcal
2 hours40 minutes
Lean mannikin in a slow cooker
Diversify the lean menu with a delicious dessert! During the fast, I also want
228 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Pie made of dry jelly in a slow cooker
Bake an amazingly delicious pie - in a slow cooker quickly and simply! My