Dishes with apples-1347 homemade delicious cooking recipes

199 kcal
50 minutes
Charlotte in an apple slow cooker
Cooking is easy.Serve well with tea. Even children eat with pleasure.
132 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Apple charlotte in an apple slow cooker
Quick and very simple recipe! A minimum of products, but delicious!
188 kcal
1 hour
Bulk apple pie in a slow cooker with apples
Easy-to-prepare pie with pleasant apple sourness and honey! The pie is very easy
354 kcal
4 hours
Whole duck with apples in a slow cooker
Prepare a ruddy duck stuffed with apples for the festive table! I share with you
185 kcal
8 hours
Jam made of pears and apples in a slow cooker
Delicious, fragrant, sunny jam for winter! The cold weather will come soon and
189 kcal
1 hour15 minutes
A simple Charlotte in a slow cooker from Orsika
Delicious apple charlotte for everyone. Recipe for a Slow cooker-pressure cooker
144 kcal
7 hours10 minutes
Overnight oatmeal porridge with apples and nuts in a slow cooker
Wake up to the delicious aroma of apples and cinnamon... Oatmeal, sir!
345 kcal
55 minutes
Apples with sugar and nuts in a slow cooker
Apples baked in a slow cooker are a simple and delicious dessert. What a
251 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Charlotte lean pie in a slow cooker
The time of fasting is not a reason to give up your favorite shallots! Many of
196 kcal
1 hour15 minutes
Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker with semolina
Minimum cost and effort - maximum taste and enjoyment! Delicate and airy
200 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Duck with apples in a slow cooker
A very tasty duck is waiting for your guests! :).
187 kcal
3 hours
Simple apple jam in a slow cooker for winter in slices
Toon will save you once again - cook jam! Very tasty and effortless when cooking
220 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Chicken in sweet and sour sauce in a slow cooker
Modern appliances will help preserve the traditions of Chinese cuisine! A great
21 kcal
30 minutes
Ginger lemonade with apples and lemons
Very delicious fortified fat-burning homemade lemonade! I love him!
297 kcal
2 hours10 minutes
Cupcake with semolina
When you want something gentle and homemade for tea. Simple, delicious,
157 kcal
45 minutes
Apple charlotte made of bread in miracle stove
Simple, delicious, unusual - try it, you won't regret it! A German friend taught
265 kcal
1 hour50 minutes
Mannik with flour and apples in bulk in a slow cooker
Kids will lick their fingers! Delicious homemade recipe for real sweets.
190 kcal
40 minutes
Tangerine apple charlotte in slow cooker
Classic pie recipe with a new exotic touch. Winter version of the well-known
191 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Charlotte in a slow cooker on sour cream with apples and cinnamon
A simple recipe for cooking apple charlotte in a slow cooker. kulinarochka The
190 kcal
1 hour15 minutes
Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker with vanilla flavor
Advice: instead of apples, pears can be used for filling. pigin71 The author of