Dishes with apples-1347 homemade delicious cooking recipes

176 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Charlotte with cottage cheese in a slow cooker
Cottage cheese charlotte is not only delicious, but also very useful! A
123 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Cottage cheese casserole with ricotta
Cook a delicious casserole without flour. Ana The author of the recipe
167 kcal
1 hour
Cottage cheese casserole in a steamer
The steamer is a source of great culinary ideas. It's worth a try!
220 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Charlotte in the bread maker
Please your family with a gentle charlotte! Yummy!
185 kcal
30 minutes
Donuts apple rings
Donuts! And with a secret!
205 kcal
1 hour40 minutes
Apple sweet donuts
Tender and airy donuts with fervor from the heat to your table! Amazing-tasting
61 kcal
11 hours15 minutes
Champagne jelly with fruits and berries
Bright and festive jelly! Very tasty and original dessert!
216 kcal
30 minutes
Marshmallow from apples according to GOST dessert
The tastiest, gentle, soft, original, simple! Homemade marshmallows from apples
107 kcal
3 hours
Apple Sambuk
The most tender, melts in the mouth, from ordinary products! Apple sambuk is a
27 kcal
7 days
Cabbage salted with mushrooms and carrots
Will preserve vitamins and the wonderful taste of cabbage for a long time! Daria
33 kcal
6 days40 minutes
Cabbage with apples for winter
Delicious cabbage with apples for winter! In our country, sauerkraut is a
27 kcal
30 minutes
Soaked apples in jars
Traditional Russian delicacy - cook and treat your family in winter! Soaked
29 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Soaked apples in a barrel for winter
An old recipe for cooking delicious apples - in an oak barrel! In a barrel,
31 kcal
52 days30 minutes
Soaked apples with rye flour
Soaked apples are a delicious winter side dish and a fragrant snack! .
47 kcal
12 days45 minutes
Soaked apples and cabbage
If you like soaked apples, try this cooking method! Soaked apples are a taste of
45 kcal
45 days1 hour
Soaked antonovka apples
An old dish of Russian cuisine with a new taste. Try to cook!
29 kcal
33 days15 minutes
Soaked apples for winter
The original recipe for a delicious treat - cook and delight your loved ones! I
73 kcal
30 minutes
Pickled apples with honey are fast and delicious
An extraordinary recipe with a delicate taste! You will like it!
34 kcal
1 day
Soaked apples with mustard
Try to cook these rejuvenating apples! Soaked apples are an invaluable
15 kcal
2 hours
Cucumbers with apples pickled for winter
Addition to the meal, decoration of the feast. Pickling is a great opportunity