Salmon steaks on the grill

Invite your friends, family and friends to a picnic and treat them to salmon! Salmon steaks on the grill will make a luxurious holiday out of any picnic. The aroma of steaks cooking on the grill is like music. Everyone who hears it will undoubtedly smile and dance in anticipation of the feast of taste in the mouth. Well, about the benefits of red fish and the time spent in nature in general, you can make up legends!
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Composition / ingredients

Translation table of volumetric measures
Nutrients and energy value of the recipe composition
By weight of the composition:
Proteins 2 % 1 g
Fats 95 % 61 g
Carbohydrates 3 % 2 g
556 kcal
GI: 100 / 0 / 0

Cooking method

Cooking time: 1 h 15 min

First we make oil for serving steaks to the table:

1. Knead the oil at room temperature with a fork.

2. Add finely chopped coriander, chili pepper and garlic to the oil. Mix lightly

3.There is also fresh lime juice, lime zest and ground coriander seeds.

4. Salt to taste and mix until the whole mass is homogeneous.

The mixture is not allowed to melt to a liquid state, we do everything quickly. Still, if the mixture came out a little thin, it is necessary to cool it.

The resulting butter is rolled into a sausage of such length and thickness that after cutting it before serving on smooth pancakes in an amount equal to the number of salmon steaks, these pancakes turned out to be about a centimeter thick. From warm hands, the oil will melt quickly. Therefore, we cool our hands with cold water and roll the "sausage" quickly, after placing the oil in the food film.

Put the oil in the film in a cold place and keep it there until serving. Naturally, there may not be a refrigerator with you at a picnic. However, this is not a reason for frustration - you can always prepare ice from half a liter of water in advance and use it to store oil. For the whole day until the steaks are served, this ice - with proper thermal insulation using, for example, a towel and foil, a thermos or special thermal packages - is quite enough to store the oil in the right condition. Of course, it is better to prepare the oil in advance, even at home.

The oil is ready, it is in thermal packaging. The picnic is in full swing, the coals are almost ready, 15 minutes left. Let's start cooking steaks!

By the way, to cook steaks on the grill, it must be clean. The coals in the grill are warmed up, with a gray coating. You need to make a fire and cook coals on one half of the grill, leaving the other half empty. It is desirable that the grill was closing. However, you can cook delicious and outdoors.

1. For 15-20 minutes, a clean grill at the places of contact with steaks is lightly greased with olive oil and put on coals so that it warms up well. If it is possible to cover the grill with a lid - cover it.

1. We spread the steaks with olive oil on all sides. Sprinkle with salt to taste. Set aside for 10-15 minutes until the approach of coals and grate.

3. The coals, the grill are ready, the steaks are slightly marinated - we put the fish on the grill!

4. Cook the steaks on one side for up to 5 minutes, in no case touching them. Then quickly turn over and cook the same on the other side.

It is necessary to monitor the process. Do not let an open fire flare up. Do not overdo the steaks until charred in the places of contact with the grill. If it is clear that too much heat has come out, steaks can be placed closer to the half of the grill where there are no coals. Or if, on the contrary, the heat is not enough, you can cover the grill with a lid or cook longer. In any case, the hot part of the cooking itself must be carefully monitored - this is the key to success!

As mentioned at the beginning, before serving, divide the butter into equal circles, put on hot steaks and serve without delay to the table!

Bon appetit and good luck at the grill!

Calorie content of the products possible in the dish

  • Garlic - 143   kcal/100g
  • Dried ground cilantro - 216   kcal/100g
  • Coriander - 25   kcal/100g
  • Cilantro, coriander - 25   kcal/100g
  • Butter 82% - 734   kcal/100g
  • Amateur unsalted butter - 709   kcal/100g
  • Unsalted peasant butter - 661   kcal/100g
  • Peasant salted butter - 652   kcal/100g
  • Melted butter - 869   kcal/100g
  • Olive oil - 913   kcal/100g
  • Coriander greens - 25   kcal/100g
  • Sea salt - 0   kcal/100g
  • Zest - 97   kcal/100g
  • Chili pepper - 40   kcal/100g
  • Lime juice - 10   kcal/100g

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