Fast, simple,delicious-5338 homemade delicious cooking recipes

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139 kcal
20 minutes
Salad with red canned beans and crackers
Simple, hastily, without mayonnaise, from ordinary products! Salad with beans
193 kcal
20 minutes
Pita bread with cottage cheese and herbs is fast and tasty
Spicy, appetizing, inexpensive, in a hurry! Lavash with cottage cheese and herbs
206 kcal
20 minutes
Shrimp salad cucumber egg
Easy, simple, insanely delicious, for a holiday! Shrimp salad is prepared
322 kcal
5 minutes
Tartlets with cottage cheese and red fish
In a hurry, incomparably delicious, easy, for a holiday! Tartlets with cottage
179 kcal
20 minutes
Salad with beans, cakes and sausage
Delicious and beautiful festive salad with scallops and beans. Salad with
165 kcal
15 minutes
Classic Jewish herring Forshmak
Classic! Delicious, still yes!
255 kcal
20 minutes
Rainbow salad with chips
Bright, beautiful, simple and delicious salad! Sometimes you want to please your
127 kcal
20 minutes
Stolichny classic salad with chicken
For the festive table, delicious, the most delicious! Stolichny salad with
130 kcal
20 minutes
Funchosa salad with Korean carrots and cucumber
Spicy fragrant salad with glass noodles. This salad is prepared very quickly and
167 kcal
15 minutes
Fresh beetroot carrot and cabbage salad
Salad of such raw vegetables is a new gastronomic experience. A wonderful salad
101 kcal
30 minutes
Salad with fried mushrooms, cucumbers and eggs
Fast, simple, delicious, in a hurry! Salad with fried mushrooms, cucumbers and
102 kcal
20 minutes
Tuna and red bean salad
Delicious, satisfying, fast, and healthy - without any extra hassle! Salad with
236 kcal
15 minutes
Carrot salad with garlic and cheese
Economical and simple salad for any occasion. All-season salad in a hurry with
190 kcal
30 minutes
Salmon sandwiches for the festive table
An exquisite restaurant-level snack in 20 minutes! Salmon sandwiches at the
143 kcal
20 minutes
Salad Korean carrots beans cucumber tomatoes
Great salad with bright juicy vegetables! Korean carrot bean cucumber tomato
190 kcal
20 minutes
Spread on sandwiches
Spicy spicy spread on sandwiches in a couple of minutes! The festive table will
165 kcal
15 minutes
Salad with fresh cucumber, peas and sour cream
Light, healthy, from simple products, without mayonnaise! Salad with fresh
180 kcal
15 minutes
Salad with beans and Korean carrots
Vegetarian cold snack for adherents and fasters! Salad with Korean carrots,
67 kcal
10 minutes
Health salad with carrots beetroot cabbage and yogurt
A storehouse of vitamins and nutrients in one plate! Health salad with carrots,
163 kcal
20 minutes
Lean pita bread roll
Simple, delicious, fast and satisfying, lean snack! A lean snack in pita bread