Adjika without vinegar

Spicy, delicious and irreplaceable adjika will please you in winter! This product hardly needs advertising. Adjika is so delicious, so in demand, so loved by many. Every recipe for its preparation is worthy of attention. But without vinegar, this delicious addition to dishes is even tastier. After all, there is a lot of bitter pepper and garlic. We serve adjika on weekdays and on holidays to any dish – meat and fish, vegetable side dishes, pasta and cereals, pancakes and other dishes. Yes, even to spread on a soft bun is a pleasure!
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Composition / ingredients

Translation table of volumetric measures
Nutrients and energy value of the composition of the recipe
By weight of the composition:
Proteins 22 % 2 g
Fats 0 % 0 g
Carbohydrates 78 % 7 g
35 kcal
GI: 100 / 0 / 0

Step-by-step cooking

Cooking time: 35 min
  1. Step 1:

    Step 1.

    First of all, it is necessary to sterilize the dishes in which you will close the adjika without vinegar. This must be done carefully. Moreover, let the jars and lids dry.

  2. Step 2:

    Step 2.

    Prepare all the vegetables that will participate in this process. Rinse the sweet pepper and peel it from the stalk and seeds.

  3. Step 3:

    Step 3.

    Let's cut the pepper in a format that is convenient for passing into your grinding device. If you have a meat grinder, you can cut it bigger. I had a blender, so I got these pieces.

  4. Step 4:

    Step 4.

    Peel and wash the garlic.

  5. Step 5:

    Step 5.

    After washing the hot pepper, peel and chop it arbitrarily.

  6. Step 6:

    Step 6.

    And now you can start preparing the tomato. It is necessary to first rinse them with water several times and let them dry or get wet with napkins or a paper towel.

  7. Step 7:

    Step 7.

    Cut tomatoes in the same format as peppers.

  8. Step 8:

    Step 8.

    Let's put some of the products, mixing them in a bowl, into the bowl of a blender. And a miss. And so - until everything changes.

  9. Step 9:

    Step 9.

    I did it twice, so it turned out very nice.

  10. Step 10:

    Step 10.

    Our task is to cook this delicious mass. First bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook, stirring thoroughly with a spoon. Five minutes before switching off, add salt to taste. I must say right away that I didn't put a lot of salt, because the adjika will be very sharp, and there's no time for salt! Cook for a quarter of an hour, until thickened.

  11. Step 11:

    Step 11.

    The cans and lids have already dried out. So we'll put the boiling adjika in jars. After screwing them with lids, let them cool down and only then send them to the shelves in a cool place. You can sterilize half-liter cans for 15 minutes and then twist them. Or, in order to spend even less time, you can not cook adjika – tar the vegetables, put the mass into clean jars and, closing them with plastic lids, send them to the refrigerator.

And more tips
Choose jars for adjika at your discretion, but if you don't use it often or the family is small, close them in small jars.
You can store adjika without vinegar not only in the refrigerator (if you decide to cover it with nylon lids), but also in a cool place – cooked thickly, it will stand well without vinegar.
You can add other ingredients to these ingredients, for example, apples.
There are no greens in this recipe, because adjika is cooked without vinegar, and greens tend to spoil the situation.
If there is a desire, add oil during the boiling process, preferably sunflower, real. But then increase the cooking by 5-10 minutes.
I specified 35 minutes for cooking in the recipe. But if there are more products, as in the recipe, according to which I cooked, it will take many times more time. Consider this!

Caloric content of the products possible in the composition of the dish

  • Tomatoes - 23   kcal/100g
  • Sweet pepper - 27   kcal/100g
  • Garlic - 143   kcal/100g
  • Hot capsicum - 40   kcal/100g
  • Salt - 0   kcal/100g

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