Dishes with apples-1347 homemade delicious cooking recipes

234 kcal
1 hour
White Roses puff pastry dessert
It's simple, but very impressive and delicious! .
408 kcal
1 hour
Filo dough strudel
Baking conquers hearts immediately and forever! The recipe is for those who do
129 kcal
50 minutes
Casserole with apples and semolina curd
Delicious cottage cheese casserole with juicy apples. Cottage cheese dishes are
218 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Apple tart
Stunningly delicious, tender and fragrant apple tart! Angel Recipe author
210 kcal
45 minutes
Soft whole wheat flour cookies with apples and cinnamon
A healthy, quick-to-prepare treat for the whole family! With milk or tea.
304 kcal
3 hours
Puff pastry with apples
Delicious, crispy, with delicate apple filling pies! Many people like puff
293 kcal
13 hours20 minutes
Cupcake with apples and cinnamon
Bake fragrant cupcakes and decorate them with cream! This is a masterpiece!
120 kcal
1 hour
Diet charlotte PP with apples and cottage cheese without sugar
Light, healthy, low-calorie, delicious! Charlotte with apples has been baked by
262 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Apple pie made of rice flour on kefir PP
Tender, juicy, crumbly, without wheat flour! Apple pie on kefir PP is made from
268 kcal
2 hours
Strudel with apples and cinnamon
This is not just an apple pie, but a real culinary masterpiece! Strudel with
162 kcal
2 hours25 minutes
Lean apple strudel
For those who are not ready to give up their favorite dessert even in the post!
177 kcal
2 hours30 minutes
Puff pastry roll
Delicate apple roll for tea - very tasty! A roll of puff pastry can be made with
301 kcal
1 hour
Homemade energy bar
Useful energy! Healthy snack!
265 kcal
1 hour
Cottage cheese bagels with apples
Fragrant cottage cheese bagels with apple-cinnamon filling! Delicious!
218 kcal
2 hours
Fruit sponge cake
Very tasty and beautiful cut fruit cake! Try to cook a Fruit Sponge cake – you
76 kcal
40 minutes
Baked apples with honey and cinnamon
Healthy, light and delicious dessert of apples! To cook baked apples, you will
187 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Oatmeal pie with apples
Delicious chocolate cake without adding cocoa and flour! Oatmeal pie with apples
172 kcal
1 hour
Yeast-free puff pastry buns
Rosy yeast-free buns are perfect for tea! For a tea party - just right.
280 kcal
1 hour
Open apple pie
Simple, beautiful, delicious and fragrant cake for tea! Many people like baking
252 kcal
45 minutes
Gluten-free Cupcakes PP
Healthy, delicious, fragrant, everyone will like it! Gluten-free cupcakes are