Dishes with apples-1347 homemade delicious cooking recipes

267 kcal
30 minutes
Puff pastry with apple filling
Delicious and fragrant pastries in a hurry! When you need to bake something for
168 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Charlotte's apple pie with raisins
Fast, simple, delicious. A minimum of dough and a lot of apples.
198 kcal
1 hour15 minutes
Charlotte with fruits and cranberries
Cranberries add sourness to the dish and are combined with apples. Sometimes in
301 kcal
1 hour
Royal Cheesecake with apples, vanilla and cottage cheese
The easiest and fastest recipe for Royal cheesecake. Classic royal cheesecake
122 kcal
50 minutes
Charlotte with apples and cranberries on starch
A simple recipe for a delicious charlotte with apples and cranberries. A very
242 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Apple shortbread pie with sour cream filling
Appetizing, fragrant, melts in the mouth, the tastiest! Apple pie with sour
279 kcal
1 hour40 minutes
Muffins with apples and cinnamon puff pastry
✅ How to cook muffins in the original version! This dish, in addition to a
114 kcal
1 hour
Baked apples with cottage cheese, cinnamon under a crispy crust
Fast, simple, delicious, original, with a twist. Apples according to this recipe
166 kcal
1 hour
Pie three glasses with cottage cheese and apples
Sweet, fragrant and delicious fruit cake for tea. Pie three glasses with cottage
288 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Lean bulk apple pie
Delicious cake for tea during Lent. Cooking is easy!
201 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Semolina apple pie
The best recipe when guests are on the doorstep, and there is nothing to treat!
145 kcal
50 minutes
Strudel with cherries, apples, vanilla and cinnamon
The most delicious strudel recipe. Fast and very simple!
347 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Delicious shortbread pastry
Sand baskets, cookies and a quick cake for tea! Dough for any dessert!
271 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Cranberry pie with apples and meringue
Cooking this pie is a real pleasure. I've been looking at beautiful pies under a
117 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Baked stuffed apples
The perfect autumn dessert that won't harm your figure! Baked stuffed apples is
347 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Cookies with apples and cinnamon on sour cream
Cook delicious pastries with the kids! It's easy!
272 kcal
1 hour40 minutes
Curd cake with mango and apple
Don't forget to sprinkle the finished cupcake with powdered sugar! For a very
139 kcal
1 hour45 minutes
Apples stuffed with rice
Delicate dessert with rice apple flavor is a real treat! Fragrant apples baked
124 kcal
30 minutes
Apples baked with raspberries and nuts
Fragrant apples with an unusual filling. The recipes of stuffed baked apples
226 kcal
1 hour15 minutes
Three-layer apple pie with meringue
Very tender, melting in the mouth apple pie! The soft and delicate sandy base of