Dishes with apples-1347 homemade delicious cooking recipes

125 kcal
20 minutes
Sandwiches with curd-apple mass
Light crunchy sandwiches diversify breakfast or a simple tea party. These
96 kcal
40 minutes
Manna apple pie on kefir is quick and easy
Very tasty and juicy manno-apple pie. Only 90 calories Anna The author of the
120 kcal
55 minutes
Baked pumpkin with apples, oranges, cheese and cinnamon
Vitamin bomb in a pumpkin casserole is what the body needs in winter! All the
263 kcal
1 hour
Puff pastry roses with jam and apples
Fragrant and crispy apple puff roses with jam. These roses made of yeast-free
232 kcal
1 hour
Christmas cake Taste of Christmas with oranges
Themed, fragrant cake that conveys the taste of the holiday. A very beautiful,
181 kcal
1 hour
Delicious Charlotte from Natalie
Fast and easy! Very tasty charlotte.
137 kcal
30 minutes
Lush charlotte
Simple, not expensive and very fast recipe for delicious charlotte. I like the
151 kcal
45 minutes
Oat pudding
A perfect replacement for oatmeal porridge! Diversify your breakfast!
167 kcal
1 hour
Charlotte pie pears apples
Charlotte can be not only with apples, try it with pears. Charlotte, has long
116 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Fruit Pudding
A delicate dessert of fruit and cream will appeal to both children and adults.
194 kcal
2 hours
American pie
Tender with a crispy crust, but moody. However, it's worth cooking!
228 kcal
2 hours
Olga's cake
Extremely delicious, original fragrant cake. I advise you!
185 kcal
40 minutes
Apple pie charlotte
Easy, delicious, available all year round! .
172 kcal
15 minutes
Stuffed baby buns with apples and cinnamon
Delicious fragrant buns with apples and cinnamon, the taste of childhood... This
334 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Mini apple pie
Do you like pies? Cook this yummy - the family will say thank you!
140 kcal
1 hour6 minutes
Oatmeal cookies on kefir with apples and cinnamon
Delicious, fragrant, healthy and tender cookies. Oatmeal cookies are one of the
168 kcal
30 minutes
Chocolate charlotte with apples
Diversify the taste of the familiar and already bored charlotte! Julia The
185 kcal
40 minutes
Quick apple pie with curd filling
Delicious pie for lovers of apples and cottage cheese!!! Delicious inezhny pie,
211 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Golden Autumn Cake
Delicate cottage cheese cream souffle with orange flavor on apple sponge cake.
148 kcal
40 minutes
Mylopita - Greek apple pie fast
The most delicate apple pie for a family tea party!!! There are a lot of recipes