Fried dishes: 6355 delicious homemade recipes

276 kcal
5 minutes
Sweet Banana sandwiches, condensed milk and cinnamon
Sweet sandwiches with cinnamon and bananas! Delicious!
192 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Pork casserole with potatoes
A man can't resist! Original, delicious, simple!
226 kcal
50 minutes
Rolls of pancakes with salmon
Amazingly delicious and tender rolls are the perfect snack! he's gentle These
142 kcal
20 minutes
Omelet with tuna fish
The combination of ryaba and eggs, beloved by many, in a new version! A very
174 kcal
40 minutes
Pumpkin pancakes with milk
Fragrant pumpkin pancakes are so good that they do not require supplements! Very
221 kcal
2 hours15 minutes
New Year's chicken with mushrooms and pancakes
Surprise your guests with a baked chicken surprise! This dish is used as a cold
155 kcal
30 minutes
Pancakes with cottage cheese
The tastiest fantasy on the topic of shingles! The dranichki turn out to be
111 kcal
20 minutes
Eggplant with garlic under mayonnaise
A very tasty snack and is prepared quickly!It will save you with unexpected
298 kcal
1 hour
Oatmeal cutlets with garlic and herbs
Tired of oatmeal porridge? There is an alternative!
143 kcal
30 minutes
Potato and zucchini cutlets with hard cheese
Hearty cutlets for every day will please all the family! They are preparing
180 kcal
45 minutes
Zucchini rolls with garlic
A wonderful snack for those who are going to stay at home. All.
177 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Homemade cutlets with ginger
Cutlets with ginger and vegetables are simply delicious! Very tasty.
83 kcal
3 hours
Eggplant snack
What could be healthier and tastier than vegetables? Nothing!
193 kcal
15 minutes
Rye pancakes with milk and fructose
Original-tasting pancakes go great with sour cream and jam! Irina Recipe author
175 kcal
50 minutes
Potato and liver cutlets beef liver
Original taste! The man will be delighted!
108 kcal
30 minutes
Airy dessert with strawberries and oatmeal
Light airy dessert is exquisite in appearance and simple in execution!
183 kcal
50 minutes
Snack Victoria
An unusual original-looking snack of pancakes with stuffing. Unusual, beautiful
292 kcal
1 hour
Chicken cutlets with Paparazzi cheese kvetka
You haven't eaten such delicious cutlets yet! The tongue can be swallowed!
355 kcal
25 minutes
Noodles and cheese pancakes
Very original pancakes are definitely worth a try. Delicious.
251 kcal
45 minutes
Cutlets with sausage and cheese
Tender, juicy and insanely delicious cutlets. not the usual taste.