Potatoes in the microwave - 8 delicious homemade cooking recipes

Microwave oven is available in almost every home today. The appliance has become familiar to modern man, we use it daily, without thinking about how convenient and practical this invention is. a href="#info" class="read-more"Read on.../a
80 kcal
20 minutes
Potatoes in a uniform in the microwave
Quick and easy recipe for potatoes in uniform in the microwave! How to cook
132 kcal
15 minutes
Chips in the microwave in 5 minutes
In a hurry, from ordinary products, easy and simple! Chips are cooked in the
131 kcal
15 minutes
Homemade Chips
Homemade chips are tastier, healthier and more economical than purchased ones.
80 kcal
15 minutes
Chips without butter in the microwave
Cook chips at home - simple, delicious, not harmful! Potato chips, beloved by
79 kcal
15 minutes
Quick potatoes with greens
Fast, delicious. Suitable as a side dish to everything!
111 kcal
10 minutes
French fries in the microwave
If you don't like long cooking, these fries are for you. Fast and delicious.
80 kcal
15 minutes
Potato chips without butter in the microwave
Crispy homemade chips without butter in just 15 minutes! I am an adherent of
173 kcal
2 hours35 minutes
Potato chips in the microwave
Favorite treat at home! For many, chips are on the forbidden list because of

Potatoes in the microwave