Condensed milk cake - 380 delicious homemade recipes

370 kcal
7 hours
Egg sponge cake with condensed milk cream and butter with ganache
Fast and delicious. And most importantly, you don't need a lot of time.
437 kcal
2 hours
Ant cake
Cooking a cake is quick and easy, very budget-friendly. Cake is a popular dish
294 kcal
4 hours
Bird's milk cake on agar-agar with condensed milk
Souffle cake with amazing taste! Olga_Lungu The author of the recipe
256 kcal
3 hours40 minutes
Condensed milk cake with sour cream and prunes
Quick to prepare and delicious condensed milk cake. Condensed milk cake with
337 kcal
2 hours40 minutes
Cake with cakes on condensed milk
Cake made of simple and affordable products for any holiday! Quick to prepare,
323 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Meringue cake with condensed milk and peanuts
Airy and delicious dessert for sweet tooth! Quick and simple meringue cake with
253 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Banana cake on kefir
Cook fast, delicious, you can please the kids. diana-goryacheva The author of
262 kcal
1 hour
Chocolate Fairy Tale Cake
A wonderful chocolate cake will certainly appeal to all sweet tooth. Sweet tooth
314 kcal
1 hour25 minutes
Honey Yoke Cake
Very tasty. All loved ones are delighted.
311 kcal
2 hours
Milk Girl Cake with fruits
The cake is extremely delicious and very easy to prepare! .
283 kcal
3 hours
Sour cream cake in a frying pan
Delicious homemade cake. Easy to prepare.
309 kcal
15 hours30 minutes
Monastic hut cake with condensed milk
Indescribably delicious cake! Try it for sure!
393 kcal
3 hours
Cake is the Food of the Gods
Delicious cake according to grandma's recipe! Try it!
386 kcal
6 hours
Bird's milk cake in chocolate cream glaze on agar
Bird's milk has been familiar to us since childhood. Cook according to GOST!
320 kcal
3 hours30 minutes
Monkey Cake
Monkey cake will delight adults and children at the New Year's table! It is
344 kcal
4 hours
Ginger Cake
Everyone has their own recipe for Ginger, I want to share mine. IrinaR The
418 kcal
35 minutes
Ant Hill cake on sour cream with condensed milk
Taste our signature Ant Hill cake! No, no, there are no ants there!
405 kcal
2 hours
Log cake with condensed milk
Very tasty and beautiful cake with condensed milk instead of sugar. A very
328 kcal
3 hours
Biscuit with nuts and lemon
Sweet tooth will fall in love! Gentle, original and unforgettable!
345 kcal
8 hours
Caprice cake with poppy seeds and nuts with flowers
Sweet tooth will not resist! Delicious, fast and easy!