Classic pancakes - 10 delicious homemade cooking recipes

Since ancient times, a simple but hearty dish has been baked in Russia, which is not losing popularity even now. There are many recipes for making an appetizing product, some of them have been passed down for generations. a href="#info" class="read-more"Read on.../a
131 kcal
2 hours30 minutes
Classic pancakes stuffed with meat
Pancakes with meat - insanely delicious, satisfying and appetizing! Stuffed
157 kcal
40 minutes
Pancakes with classic baking
Original, delicious, for the whole family for breakfast! Classic pancakes with
279 kcal
30 minutes
American classic pancakes
Soft, mouthwatering, perfect to start any day! Pancakes are classic American
150 kcal
1 hour
Classic pancakes with holes in milk
For the whole family, from ordinary products, the most delicious! Classic
125 kcal
40 minutes
Classic pancakes on the water
Fast, simple, delicious, economical - cook pancakes with pleasure. Thin elastic
156 kcal
40 minutes
Pancakes with milk are classic delicious
Delicious pancakes will not only decorate the table, but also win hearts. Olga
238 kcal
30 minutes
Classic corn pancakes
Please your family with a quick and delicious breakfast! Somehow I accidentally
218 kcal
1 hour
Classic granny pancakes Russian traditional
Like grandma's! A simple recipe for delicious pancakes!
209 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Pancakes with cottage cheese classic
Pancakes with light and tender filling - cottage cheese - a great start to the
231 kcal
45 minutes
Homemade classic pancakes with milk
All the secrets of the dough for thin and delicate pancakes! An excellent recipe

Classic pancakes