Dishes with apples-1347 homemade delicious cooking recipes

104 kcal
30 minutes
Tuna and apple salad
Looking for new taste sensations? Try this salad, it's a bomb!
173 kcal
40 minutes
Rhapsody salad
A great layered salad based on boiled chicken. the recipe itself Delicious
195 kcal
4 hours20 minutes
Shukrut De Dietrich
Be sure to try this delicious German-French dish! Shukrut is an iconic dish for
131 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Vitamin cake
Golden salad to boost immunity in snowy winter. Koritsa Recipe author
65 kcal
2 hours30 minutes
Bozbash with lamb and peas
Nutritious soup with a fantastic range of combinations. Bozbash is a traditional
207 kcal
11 hours10 minutes
Rowan jam with apples
Canned health in any season! UO-Shu Recipe author
156 kcal
20 minutes
The Salad Is The Best
Amazing delicious salad recipe of chicken, apples and peaches! Galla Recipe
182 kcal
40 minutes
Apple salad with crab sticks
Elegantly decorated nutritious salad for a festive table! The culinary recipe of
103 kcal
2 hours
Herring salad
Delicious fish salad is sure to please you! This culinary recipe is part of
150 kcal
45 minutes
Mussel salad
Once you cook this salad, you will love it for life! I propose to cook a
32 kcal
2 days
Cabbage salad with pepper for winter
Lovers of winter preparations will not get tired of trying new recipes! Valeria
84 kcal
30 minutes
Bread soup with apples
An original dish that will appeal even to gourmets! Milada Recipe author
102 kcal
35 minutes
Fruity sweet prune soup, dried apricots and apples
Fruit soup with dumplings for the youngest and most capricious gourmets! Silva
152 kcal
30 minutes
French salad Beauty
Airy salad with delicate taste for real ladies. The first time I tried the
46 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Will definitely appeal to all lovers of spicy! I really like to preserve various
78 kcal
20 minutes
Mulled wine with Maggi seasoning and fruits
A recipe for warming and tender mulled wine will be needed on a winter evening!
98 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Plum and apple jam with butter for winter
A cup of tea with delicious jam will help you warm up in the cold winter!
87 kcal
20 minutes
Fried apples in a pan
A simple, fragrant dessert of seasonal apples! To make something else out of
177 kcal
1 hour
Pancakes stuffed with apples and cinnamon
Delicious, rosy, fragrant, for the whole family for breakfast! Pancakes stuffed
130 kcal
25 minutes
Fried apples in batter with milk quickly and delicious
Delicate fragrant apples in an airy batter! Apples turn out very tasty and