Dishes with ginseng - 7 delicious homemade recipes

Dishes with ginseng - 7 recipes
40 kcal
3 hours
Green tea with ginseng
Incredibly healthy tea! Experience the oldest recipes for longevity!
371 kcal
14 days1 hour
Honey with ginseng
Honey extract will relieve fatigue and give cheerfulness! .
8 kcal
30 minutes
Black tea with ginseng
Make the tea party both pleasant and useful! Black tea with ginseng is not only
272 kcal
8 days10 minutes
Ginseng moonshine
Spectacular and healing! Turn ordinary moonshine into an unusual one!
20 kcal
30 minutes
Decoction of ginseng
Do you want to strengthen the immune system? Prepare a healing broth!
203 kcal
30 days
Vodka with ginseng
Root-infused vodka will be useful in many cases! Vodka with ginseng is prepared
215 kcal
21 day10 minutes
Ginseng tincture
Very useful tincture. Get your nerves in order!