Dishes from terpug - 7 delicious home cooking recipes

Dishes from terpug - quick and easy recipes for home for every taste: reviews, cooking time, calories, super search, personal Recipe saver
36 kcal
1 hour
Ear of terpug
Delicious and healthy fish soup. Cook and make your family happy!
166 kcal
35 minutes
Pan-fried terpug
Fragrant and juicy, crispy fish. Try it!
113 kcal
1 hour10 minutes
Terpug in the oven baked
Delicious, with vegetables, under a cheese crust! Terpug is a wonderful fish
124 kcal
45 minutes
Baked terpug in foil in the oven
A very tasty and simple recipe for terpug! You'll lick your fingers!
102 kcal
12 hours
Smoking a turpug
Gorgeous smoked fish at home! Who is brave?!
100 kcal
1 hour
Terpug on the grill
A wonderful dish for meetings with friends in nature! When we get tired of
119 kcal
40 minutes
Serbian smoked fish salad
Try this delicious salad of Serbian cuisine, you'll lick your fingers! Easy And