Nettle soup from nettle: 12 delicious homemade recipes

Nettle soup from nettle: 13 recipes
112 kcal
1 hour
Nettle soup with egg, potatoes and chicken
Beautiful, bright, healthy, for lunch for the whole family! Nettle soup with
39 kcal
40 minutes
Nettle soup
Easy and delicious, simple and fast, for every day! Nettle soup tastes very
56 kcal
50 minutes
Green cabbage soup with nettle and sorrel with egg
Useful, light, spring! Simple, fast and delicious!
107 kcal
2 hours
Green borscht with nettle sorrel and egg in meat broth
Green borscht is a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. My family
47 kcal
30 minutes
Sorrel and nettle soup with egg
The most useful, the brightest, the most delicious, the most spring! Nettle and
44 kcal
3 hours
Spring cabbage soup, lean nettle and sorrel in a cauldron over a fire
Useful, economical, interesting, tasty, fast. Old, lean, spring, traditional
45 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Green cabbage soup with nettles in chicken broth
Vitamin-rich, delicious - it will saturate with energy and will not add extra
82 kcal
1 hour20 minutes
Green cabbage soup with nettles, chicken and sorrel and egg
Spring vitamin soup with chicken broth. Green cabbage soup with nettle and
30 kcal
1 hour40 minutes
Fresh cabbage soup with meat, nettles and tomatoes
A huge supply of vitamins in one serving for each family member. These
32 kcal
1 hour
Potato soup on water with nettle sorrel boiled egg
Easy, well-loved and very relevant - green soup in green summer. I do not know a
32 kcal
1 hour
Borscht from nettles
Will save the whole family with spring vitamin deficiency! Useful to everyone!
101 kcal
45 minutes
Young nettle puree soup
Ordinary weed can become a favorite dish in your family! Easy to prepare and a