Dishes with fructose - 9 delicious homemade recipes

Dishes with fructose - 9 recipes
129 kcal
16 days
Frozen berry wine
Quick and easy homemade wine made from frozen berries! Delicious!
248 kcal
7 minutes
Jam on fructose
Delicious jam without a gram of sugar? It's easier than ever with this recipe!
193 kcal
15 minutes
Rye pancakes with milk and fructose
Original-tasting pancakes go great with sour cream and jam! Irina Recipe author
61 kcal
4 hours20 minutes
Apple dessert in the oven
Kids will love it! Simple, fast and very tasty!
219 kcal
1 hour
Poppy seed cake with corn flour
Fast, simple, delicious - try it. Julia The author of the recipe
252 kcal
45 minutes
Cupcakes with lemon cream
Hearty and delicious cupcakes with delicate lemon cream. Tatiana The author of
218 kcal
1 hour
Zebra curd casserole with sour cream filling
Easy, delicious and most importantly healthy casserole for our kids. Once again
243 kcal
2 hours
Easter cake without butter lean
The cake tastes the same as usual, but at the same time low-calorie. suitable
102 kcal
210 days3 hours
Spicy homemade mead
A drink that gives warmth to the soul and body. Cook it yourself!