Dishes with compote - 13 delicious home cooking recipes

Dishes with compote - 15 recipes
56 kcal
25 minutes
Jelly made from compote and starch
Don't know what to do with compote? Make a delicious jelly out of it!
52 kcal
30 minutes
Compote jelly with gelatin
Delicious, bright, fast, simple, with two ingredients! Compote jelly with
290 kcal
1 hour
Kutya with rice, poppy seeds, prunes and dried apricots
Kutya according to this recipe will become the central dish of the festive
85 kcal
30 minutes
Fruit soup with casserole
Joy for a sweet tooth. A delicate and pleasant taste will decorate any dessert.
242 kcal
2 hours15 minutes
Vegan pie
The pie turns out not dry, but not wet either. Vegan pie with semolina, bananas
171 kcal
8 hours
Cake Fried eggs
A beautiful, delicious and fun cake for a children's holiday! Delicious.
329 kcal
10 hours
Plyatsok Cornucopia
Festive and solemn cake impresses with its extraordinary taste. Very tasty.
250 kcal
6 hours
Dancing Cloud in my mouth
Incredibly delicious dessert with berry jelly and buttercream! Extremely tasty.
334 kcal
4 hours
Oatmeal cookie cake with sour cream
Simple and at the same time original dessert! Oatmeal cookie cake with a souffle
212 kcal
2 hours30 minutes
Sour cream dessert
Incredibly delicious dessert of sour cream and compote! I found the culinary
237 kcal
3 hours45 minutes
Peach Dance
Extremely delicious dessert with the most delicate sponge cake and air cream!
280 kcal
4 hours
Strawberry Dance
Stunningly delicious dessert with the most delicate sponge cake and
176 kcal
1 hour30 minutes
Cottage cheese dessert with strawberries
An unusual recipe for a delicious dessert with a minimum number of calories.